It’s that time of year when everyone is somehow surprised that autumn has followed summer. We should know better, but still catch ourselves commenting on how it’s getting darker earlier, asking where the year has gone and being surprised that we have to put the heating on at night.
When seasons change like this, we find that many patients can notice changes in their vision, and it can be a good opportunity to get things checked out before winter fully kicks in.
The darker evenings often make us notice that our vision isn’t as sharp as it was. Our eyes need light to work; when things get darker you notice the small changes more. Driving at night is a classic example; road signs aren’t as clear as they were, bright headlights become more difficult to navigate and a general uncomfortableness can make evening driving unpleasant. This doesn’t mean your eyes have instantly changed, it’s likely happened gradually over a longer time, it just wasn’t as noticeable in the bright summer months.
Over the next few weeks we’re likely to experience a few cold snaps; crisp frosty mornings and no doubt some chilling arctic wind. When this happens many people often find their eyes can be the first thing to suffer. Watering or stinging eyes can cause discomfort and annoyance, especially if you wear eye makeup. This is caused by ‘Dry Eye’, a common condition that can be easily treated. Often patients can suffer with this silently for years when we can help with easy remedies of drops, wipes or heat treatments, depending on the underlying cause.

If you find that the changing seasons have affected your vision, or you have any other eye concerns, the best option is to book in for an eye exam. Natalie, our Resident Optometrist, can take the time to get to the cause of these problems, making the change to winter enjoyable, rather than dreading what’s to come.
If you’re unsure whether to book in and would prefer a chat, feel free to give us a call on
0151 709 2012 and we’ll help and advise when we can.
Written by Colin Dorricott