Corporate Eye Tests
What are the benefits of Corporate Eyecare?
If you are an employer, you do not need us to tell you that your most important assets are your people and looking after them is paramount. When it comes to your employees’ eyes, that duty of care is even more critical.
Lengthy periods spent in front of a VDU without the appropriate eyewear can lead to headaches, fatigue and irritability, which can, in turn, lead to increased absenteeism and reduced productivity. That, combined with an increased likelihood of data input errors, is simply bad for business.
In line with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, it is incumbent upon any employer to ensure all employees who use a VDU for more than one hour each day receive “an appropriate eye and sight test before commencing work at a VDU and thereafter at regular intervals”.
Not only do our corporate eye tests help ensure your business is operating within the health and safety guidelines, they give you all the benefits of a healthy and happy workforce.
Why choose Silverberg?
At Silverberg, we offer eye care provision for corporate clients in Liverpool and the surrounding areas.
We are committed to providing you with the very highest standards of corporate eyecare. We will listen to your needs and our proposal will be tailor-made for you, ensuring you have a full understanding of the Health & Safety Regulations.
Our Corporate Eyecare service includes the following:
Excellent Customer Service for your employees
Hassle-Free Monthly Invoicing
Full Sight Test for Staff
15% Discount for Employees and their Family
Access to Exclusive Brands including Cartier, Lindberg and Moscot which are not available elsewhere